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Beetroot has been found to be useful in the treatment ofย anemia, constipation, piles, kidney disorders, dandruff, gall bladder, cancer, and heart disease. It also helps to preventย macular degeneration, improve blood circulation, aid in skin care, prevents cataracts and mediates respiratory problems. These health benefits of beet roots can be attributed to their richness in nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
- Beetroot is your liverโs friend: The beta-cyanin in beetroot can help detox your liver, having a knock-on effect for your bloodstream, by helping the body to eliminate toxins and potentially preventing the build-up of fatty deposits.
- Beetroot juice can prevent stroke & heart attack:ย The presence of the nutrientย betaineย lowers the levels ofย homocysteineย in the body which can also be harmful to the blood vessels. Thus, consumption of beetroot helps to prevent cardiovascular diseases in multiple ways, so conditions like atherosclerosis, heart attack, and strokes are less likely to develop. Theย fiberย in beets also works to strip excess LDL cholesterol from the walls and help to eliminate it from the body quickly.
- Prevent certain cancers:ย Studies have revealed that beets are good at preventing skin, lung and colon cancer, since they contain theย pigment betecyaninis, which counteracts cancerous cell growth. Nitrates used in meats as preservatives can stimulate the production of nitrosamine compounds in the body which can also result in cancer. Studies have now shown that beet juice inhibits the cell mutations caused by these compounds.
- Prevent respiratory problems:ย Beetroot is a source ofย vitamin Cย that helps to prevent asthma symptoms. The naturalย beta caroteneย in beetroot also helps to prevent asthma symptoms. The natural beta carotene in beetroot also helps to prevent lungs cancer.
- Immune system booster:ย Vitamin C is also a powerful antioxidant that boosts the immune system in a number of ways. Besides acting as an antioxidant itself and defending against the effects of free radicals in the body, vitamin C also stimulates the activity of white blood cells, which is the bodyโs main line of defense against foreign bodies, as well as viral, bacterial, fungal, and protozoan toxins that can result in a multitude of infections and illnesses.
- Boost energy levels:ย Beets contain a significant amount ofย carbohydratesย that provides fuel for energy and prolonged sports activities.
- Prevent cataracts:ย The presence ofย beta-carotene, which is a formย of vitamin A, helps to prevent age-related blindness called cataracts as well as a reduction in macular degeneration that commonly occurs as we get older.
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