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Watch out for these issues that may plague you after your delivery.
Like just about everything else in your life, your body faces significant changes in the weeks and months following your baby’s birth. In this postpartum period, which begins immediately after delivery, your body will heal from childbirth, rebuild its strength and begin to regain its pre-pregnancy shape. While healing your body would require extra sleep, rest and nutritious diet; walking is the best exercise to begin with. However you must consult your doctor before you start with postnatal exercises
The more you know about what to expect, the better prepared you’ll be to cope with the physical and emotional changes that come post-pregnancy.
Women may experience a wide range of postpartum problems, some more serious than others and each with its own symptoms. Some of the more common problems include:
1. Vaginal bleeding
Although some bleeding is normal immediately after delivery, heavy bleeding or hemorrhage occurs in just 2% of births, most often after long labors, multiple births or when the uterus has become infected.
2. Sore Nipples
Mastitis, orย breast infection, usually is indicated by a tender, reddened area on the breast (the entire breast may also be involved). To avoid sore nipples:
- Allow nipples to get some air between feeding. Leave them open without latching the bra.
- Put little of your breastfeed and allow it to dry after nursing.
- Feed baby more often so that he gets less ravenous.
- Try to reposition to get into comfortable posture.
- Consult doctor for nipple soreness creams and medicines.
3. Breast Engorgement
When your milk comes in about 2 to 4 days after delivery, your breasts may become very large, hard and sore. This engorgement will ease once you establish a breast-feeding pattern or, if you’re not breast-feeding, once your body stops producing milk (usually less than three days if your baby is not suckling).
4. Painful nursing or Mastitis
If you have a pain in the breast or infection, you may continue to nurse from both breasts. Mastitis does not affect your breast milk. It’s also important to rest and drink plenty of fluids. Warm, wet towels applied to the affected area may help alleviate discomfort; and cold compresses applied after nursing can help reduce congestion in your breast. You may also want to avoid constricting bras and clothing.
5. Leaking breasts:
Overfull breasts usually leak out. Put soft pads, while sleeping or going to out, to prevent major leaks. Change them frequently to keep your nipples dry.
6. Leakage of Urine or Incontinence: Some women may face these problems due to prolonged stretching: muscles get stretched out during vaginal birth which leads to poor bladder control. Kegel exercises help strengthening your muscles. With C-section deliveries these problems do not persist.
7. Acidity and Gas Problem:
Lying down for long builds up gas inside. Walking around and lying on side would relieve as it would help gas to move through. This problem is more pertinent with C-section deliveries as intestines often slow to recover from surgery.
8. Constipation:
Pain killers usually aggravate constipation. Intake of fluids and soft food prevents constipation. Too much of constipation and pushing during vaginal birth sometimes result in haemorrhoids development. These are present at anal opening and itch, burn and sometimes even bleed. Talk to your doctor if the problem persists.
9. Hair loss:
Hair loss problem is quite common after babyโs birth, due to sudden drop in hormone levels, but it is not permanent. It typically lasts upto six months.
10. Swollen feet:
After C-section, you might observe swollen feet because of high sodium content of the intravenous fluids that you received during surgery. Within few weeks this problem resolves as your kidneys starts clearing this excess fluid.
To watch video, clickย Postpartum Health Problems
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