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Pregnancy is a beautiful period in every womanโ€™s life. Lots of physical, mental and emotional changes occur during pregnancy and the best way to cope up with them is exercise, also known as pregnancy yoga or antenatal exercise.

Working out when you are expecting is great for you and your baby.

Benefits for mother and baby

  • Increased sense of well being,
  • Improves body muscle tone and relieves tension
  • Ensures healthy weight gain,
  • Cardiovascular and respiratory fitness
  • Maintainย  a stable body position
  • Decrease in pregnancy related muscle problems, joint pains, constipation, abdominal bloating,
  • Reduces fatigue and helps manage stress
  • Increases endurance and strengthening muscles
  • Help relieve back pressure
  • Improve posture and balance
  • Improve circulation and lowers blood pressure
  • Helps prepare for the strain of labor
  • Increased chances of natural labor and childbirth
  • Improves self-image
  • Regains figure faster
  • Prepare for immediate postnatal period

Exercise includes

  • Stretches for lower back
  • Upper back stretch
  • Pelvic Tilts
  • Kegels

Guidelines for exercise

  • Exercise at least three times per week
  • Avoid exercise in supine position after first trimester and prolonged motionless standing
  • Modify exercises according to maternal symptoms and fatigue levels
  • Avoid exercises that could cause loss of balance or falling (ballistic exercises)
  • Have adequate diet
  • Hydration before, during and after exercise

Things to know while doing exerciseย 

  • Consult your doctor first
  • Start after 12-14 weeks
  • Wear loose, comfortable clothes
  • Keep at least 3-4 hrs gap between meal and exercise
  • Early morning is the best time
  • Avoid becoming too hot or overheated
  • Be gentle- avoid stretching or straining muscles/joints.
  • Medical problem- consult doctor- do under strict supervision
  • Listen to your body
  • Never exercise ย till exhaustion or breathlessness
  • Heart rate should not > 140/min
  • Take frequent breaks during exercise
  • Keep yourself hydrated
  • Eat healthy diet- plenty of fruits, vegetables

Discontinue exercise if

  • Dizziness
  • Light headiness
  • Excessive dryness of mouth
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Severe pain/ uneasiness
  • History of vaginal bleeding

To watch video,ย click three health benefits of prenatal yoga


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