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We have learnt in our previous blog on Preparing Your Child For Menstruation, that menstrual cycle starts anywhere between 11 to 14 years for girls, which is the start of her womanhood. These are part of the physiological changes in all girls.
After the onset of menses, some of the best practices are:
Eating healthy: It will keep your energy levels high despite losing blood during menses.
Increasing fluid intake: Maintaining hydration reduces cramps and period pain and improves pelvic blood flow.
Eating chocolate: Research shows that chocolate rich in cacao keeps your cravings under control and helps you cope with mood swings.
Wisely choosing your sanitation method and keep changing it regularly: Choose a product as per your need and comfort. Whether it is sanitary napkins,ย tamponsย or menstrual cups, it needs to be changed regularly to avoid infection and skin rash due to the moist environment. A pad should be changed every 6 hours and tampon every 2 to 3 hours. Keep your external genitalia clean of blood stains when you change your pad to avoid smell. Sanitary napkins should be disposed after wrapping it properly in disposable bags and not to be flushed in toilet.
Avoiding use of vaginal wash:ย Rather warm water is better to clean your private parts. The direction of cleaning should be from above downwards (vagina to anus) to avoid contamination from rectum. Vagina has a self cleansing mechanism to wash away all bacteria, so avoid use of wash that can kill the natural protective flora.
Rarely, you can also experience a pad rash and itching on your perineum or inner thighs. It can be avoided by keeping the area dry and clean and changing the pad on time; you can also consult your Gynecologist to recommend a medicated powder. If they continue to persist along with damp environment, microorganisms will multiply and lead to vaginal or urinary tract infections.
Having a bath regularly: Helps to relieve you of menstrual cramps, backache, and also improves mood.
Donโts: We know you feel different when you have your periods
Donโt be moody and give excuses. Take a walk or read a book.
Donโt pamper yourself with junk foods and salted chips. It can increase your fluid retention.
You can swim too while using a tampon. So donโt feel low on energy.
Donโt use the same pad or tampon for the whole day. Keep changing.
Donโt be sedentary in bed while menstruating. Rather go for regular walk and gym.
Avoid using white or light colored dresses. Keep them for later days to wear with a smile and confidence. While going to bed at night, donโt remove your pad or tampon; it might stain your bedsheet and ruin our mattress; instead, buy cloth pads that are really comfortable.
Donโt plan your doctor visit, dental treatment and waxing during menstruation. It will pain more as you are low on estrogens.
To conclude, chill out and have fun; your time will pass smoothly if you take care of yourself.
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